Genetic Testing: Pharmacogenomics Analysis

Pharmacogenomics Analysis

To enhance your client-centered treatment plan, Metamorphosis offers pharmacogenomics testing. Pharmacogenomics testing is a cutting edge technology that allows Dr. Moore to look at your unique genetic make up to determine which medications will work best with your body and mind.

Metamorphosis Psychcierge has partnered with GeneSight® to analyze genetic variations in your DNA. With the simple swab of your cheek we can unlock the potential of pharmacogenomics to benefit you. Whether you’ve previously struggled to achieve mental balance with the support of psychiatric medication or you desire to take a more calculated approach to your mental wellness, a pharmacogenomics analysis can be an illustrious step in the right direction.

What Is Pharmacogenomics?

Also known as pharmacogenetics, is the field of study that researches how genes affect your response to medication. By utilizing pharmacogenetics analysis and clinical expertise Dr. Moore can determine the best medications for you.

Through the study of pharmacogenomics, scientist have revealed that your genes play a significant role in a drug’s dose effectiveness and experienced side effects.

Is Pharmacogenomics Testing Right For Me?

A Pharmacogenomics analysis can aide in treatment planning by identifying medications that might be better suited for you. Additionally, medications that you have a higher genetic disposition to experience side effects from, can be avoided. As a result, Dr. Moore can further tailor your treatment plan to meet your unique needs.

Dr. Moore is dedicated to helping her clients live a life of mental prosperity, and looks forward to meeting you. Begin your psychcierge lifestyle by requesting a consultation today.